HELEN MOORE: ecopoet / socially engaged artist / writer

Some writings
'Beyond White Guilt: Imagining Sydney as Pre-colonial Site', an essay published in Panorama Journal, October 22
''What is ecopoetry?' An interview with Kathryn Alderman, published in Ink, Sweat, Tears for National Poetry Day, 2022
'A Wild Wedding', an ecopoem published in About Place Journal April 20, https://aboutplacejournal.org/issues/practices-of-hope/entanglements/helen-moore/
'Portrait of a Domestic Extremist', published in Explorations in Climate Psychology Journal, Issue 3, Nov 2022
'Tracks & Signs', an ecopoem published in The Wild Word, Jan 21, https://thewildword.com/poetry-helen-moore/
'The House is on Fire', an ecopoem published in Critical Muslim, June 2019, https://www.criticalmuslim.io/poem-the-house-on-fire/
'Sky News', an ecopoem published in Amethyst Review, April 2018, https://amethystmagazine.org/2018/04/18/sky-news-a-poem-by-helen-moore/
'Mimesis Nemesis', an ecopoem published in Plumwood Mountain Journal, Nov 2017, https://plumwoodmountain.com/mimesisnemesis/
'What the Owls Say', an ecopoem published in Zoomorphic, October 2017, http://zoomorphic.net/2017/10/what-the-owls-say/
An interview with Helen Moore by Denise O'Hagan, published in The Blue Nib, Jan 2020, https://thebluenib.com/denise-ohagan-interviews-british-eco-poet-helen-moore/
'What is ecopoetry?' an essay published in International Times, April 2012, http://internationaltimes.it/what-is-ecopoetry/